Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Metaphysical Life Coach
Say “Yes” to your power – the power to create your own reality.
You already possess this power. In fact, you’re creating reality right now.
But if you’re like most people, you’re not creating a healthy, happy reality. In fact, you’re probably creating problems in your life right now.
This may sound crazy to you. Why would you create an unhappy, unhealthy life?
Most people create a difficult reality, so you are hardly alone; and
- Once you can accept your power to create a difficult reality, you can accept the power you have to create whatever you want.
This is wonderful news!
Imagine living the life you dream of, in a home you love, doing the work you love, and never having to worry about paying the bills or whether or not you can afford something special for your kids, your spouse, or yourself.
Yes,sometimes we get here and feel that what we really need is happiness or just to feel safe.We feel there is something missing.
How I can help you
My name is Nicolaas Maritz. As a spiritual life coach and Sacred Geometry artist.
I learned how we block our ability to create joy and abundance. We’re so filled with fear. The ego is a powerful part of ourselves that would rather be unhappy than face its deepest fears.
I’ve also learned that this is a key to manifesting a joyful reality.
Most of us live primarily through our social self than our deeper, self. This sounds counterproductive, but it makes more sense than it first appears. In fact, to some extent, we need to use our egos to survive in this physical world.
Your social self
We all learn to put on a “social cloak” at a young age. As children, we may be ridiculed for something as silly as preferring Batman over Spiderman when Spiderman is more popular. We’d rather lie and say we prefer Spiderman than face the pain of ridicule.
Don’t laugh at this example. You may not remember the feeling now, but it was very real and very painful. If you have children of your own, please know that the pain they feel is very real.
As teens the pressure is even more intense. Not having the right hairstyle or clothes can make you unpopular.
Many teens get caught up in this pressure to fit in, which comes from the ego.
We think that as adults, we’re immune to this kind of pressure. Yet how many decisions do you make – or not make – based on how others will view you?
Yes, your ego is present in your life and it’s almost surely inhibiting your ability to create a happy reality.
You have power over your past
Here is a little secret you can ponder on: you can change the past by altering your perception of it.
Your perception is like a pair of colored glasses; if they are red, the world appears red. Once you see how your perception of the past is colored by old illusions, you are the master of your destiny.
The past has no effect except by its influence on the present. By changing the past that you hold as memory, you alter its connection to the present reality.
Time does not exist; it is an illusion. So by "going back" in "time" and changing your emotions and what you felt then, you influence what you are experiencing in the Now. Your present reality is literally influenced by your emotions and feelings of the past.
Changing your perception of the past is literally changing the past itself, together with your memory of it. You change your reality by new awareness from within.
If you don’t make these changes, you can turn up in the future and the past mistakes will keep on sabotaging you. It is like casting a stone into the future and all you need to do is turn up and it hits you in the face.
A coaching process that awakens this type of consciousness will change your perception of how you create your reality and how powerful you really are.
It is hard work and very challenging but the rewards are so many. By living in the present as the beginning instead of letting the past be the beginning, the past no longer holds you. Freedom is yours to live now.
How we work together
Working together we look at values, thinking and programming.
My Coaching work is deep and private. On a one-to-one level, we speak like best friends, we get there. I guarantee nothing, yet you achieve the impossible.
I use Sacred Geometry shapes and life strategy tools to put you into a frequency where an awareness of a Consciousness is created; then an understanding is born of what your impact is on yourself, people around you, and the Universe.
Work with me and I’ll help you discover what’s holding you back. You’ll learn to release the blockages that keep you from realizing your dreams. And you’ll gain control over your ability to create your reality.
You can be coached by phone or, if you live near Kromdraai, in Gauteng, South Africa, in person. In-person coaching is ideal, because my office is filled with my Sacred Geometry art. Being in my office will, by itself, raise your vibration, and this will enhance our coaching sessions.
Sessions are one and a half hours.
You may contact me for more information at e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Visit my site
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Spiritual Art workshop
Enroll for this enlightened workshop and learn the technology how to make "high energy modern mandalas".
The art workshop is to create energy shapes with Sacred Geometry and also to expand your consciousness and open doors to a new dimension!The value is that your pictures can create healing for other people and yourself. I work with each student step by step up to a level where they create their own “Stargate's”.All you need is a straight edge a compass, digital camera and some software.
Sacred Geometry healing art raises your vibration, enhancing your awareness while helping you create a better reality. Why is Sacred Geometry different?
Sacred Geometry, with its lines and angles, involves the left brain as well as the right. This whole-brain involvement causes you to more deeply integrate this spiritual technique.
Unveiling my photography method
People have asked me how I create energy pictures with copper Sculptures.
My healing art prints are photos of my copper sculptures. But they are no ordinary photos! I have not seen anyone make them before. One can say that it is spiritual art, healing art or vibrational art, I am not sure what the correct term would be.
First, the copper sculptures themselves contain high energetic frequencies, partly because they are created as Sacred Geometry patterns and partly because copper is a super conductive metal. I often add clear quartz crystals, which also carry a high frequency.
I photograph the sculptures in the dark. These photos capture the frequency of the light waves. Although one does not necessary have to build a sculpture with copper and crystals. I have experimented with mediums like drawing the Sacred Geometry shapes on paper or artist board and then photograph them with my unique technique.
I then use software to turn the photos into stereograms (3D images), and I saturate them with color, as each color contains a frequency that corresponds to one of the seven main chakras.
Because the images are stereograms, when viewed through 3D glasses*, they further stimulate both sides of the brain as your eyes work together to make sense of the image. Each eye corresponds to the opposite side of your brain (i.e., information from the right eye goes to the left brain and vice versa).
This causes an even deeper integration of the two sides of the brain.
Enlighten yourself and create new technology ‘New Metaphysical Art”
I can only speak for myself, the joy and experience I had with creating this type of Art opened many doors for me. I have no formal training as an artist and you can learn to create, give expression of your greatest power "the power to create your reality".
more info and feedback
Monday, August 6, 2007
Healing Art and Sacred Geometry

Uncover – the self that innately recognizes and responds to the power of Sacred Geometry.
Your deepest self responds to Sacred Geometry and knows its healing power.
My name is Nicolaas Maritz, and I’m here to offer you that power.
I offer two services:
First, I create Sacred Geometry art. These are copper and crystal healing art sculptures based on Sacred Geometry patterns, and unusual photo prints of those sculptures. I add a unique element to the prints to enhance their effectiveness, one that you will not find in other Sacred Geometry art. But more about that later . . .
Second, I offer spiritual life coaching, using the power of Sacred Geometry to help you find true peace and deep joy.
Why Sacred Geometry?
Viewing Sacred Geometry healing art can raise your vibration and enhance your ability to create your own reality. But many techniques make this claim. Why is Sacred Geometry different?
You’ve probably heard about right brain and left brain. The right brain is said to be creative, while the left brain is logical.
Gateway 4 Print
When you meditate,or use other Metaphysical techniques, you’re using your right brain but not your left. During a Altered state experience, your right brain can clearly understand how beneficial these techniques are, while your left brain is finding it difficult and cant pay much attention.
Later, when you rely on your memory of the Metaphysical experience, your logical left brain kicks in and tells you the experience was merely pleasant. If only it had been more involved in the experience, your left brain might not be so skeptical!
As a result, you minimize the power of the experience. This hampers its effectiveness and lessens your commitment to continue.
You can harmonize your left and right brain.
Sacred Geometry, with its lines and angles, involves the left brain as well as the right. This whole-brain involvement causes you to more deeply integrate this spiritual technique. This makes it more effective than other techniques as well as a wonderful enhancement to those other techniques.
My photography method takes this a step further.
My healing art prints are photos of my sculptures. But they are no ordinary photos!
First, the copper sculptures themselves contain high energetic frequencies, partly because they are created as Sacred Geometry patterns and partly because copper is a super conductive metal. I often add clear quartz crystals, which also carry a high frequency.
I photograph the sculptures in the dark. These photos capture the frequency of the light waves.
I then use software to turn the photos into stereograms (3D images), and I saturate them with color, as each color contains a frequency that corresponds to one of the seven main chakras.
Because the images are stereograms, when viewed through 3D glasses*, they further stimulate both sides of the brain as your eyes work together to make sense of the image. Each eye corresponds to the opposite side of your brain (i.e., information from the right eye goes to the left brain and vice versa).
This causes an even deeper integration of the two sides of the brain.
For best effect, you should meditate on your print.This can be done with or without 3D glasses.
I invite you to enjoy this site
Please explore this website, where you can view my sculptures , tools , and prints, and learn more about my spiritual coaching , in which I use Sacred Geometry as a tool for healing and manifesting.
You may contact me for more information at
* You can learn to make 3D glasses (also known as anaglyph glasses) here or purchase them through 3dstereo