Thursday, November 13, 2008

Spiritual life coach

Spiritual life coach

More than half of the life on this planet is now extinct and continuing to die.

Precession of the Equinoxes 2012

We are traveling in an open spaceship around our Sun, In turn our solar system is traveling through a significant cycle. This cycle is known as the “precession of the equinoxes” it is measured to take 25,920 years to complete this cycle. We are moving in a window,a opening for a special event. We are now moving from the age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius represents a time of spiritual evolvement of self a very significant time indeed, the Mayans viewed this period as the end time, the time of no time. It is also a time where we unlock ancient knowledge when the cycle started 25,915 years ago.We have 4 years left!

More spiritual energies encircle our planet; humans are awakening to the existence of an extended consciousness. Eastern philosophy’s like yoga and meditation are being re-discovered. Scientific researches are gaining momentum on theories like quantum mechanics and that consciousness form the key of manifesting creation. Discoveries are being made that prove what religion has espoused that human beings are far more than flesh and bone.

We are on the threshold of making the quantum leap to the conquest of another dimension by 2012 although the exact time we do not know.And then we will migrate into the future.Some of us will start a future without reincarnating.Lots of ancient knowledge is lost but we have it locked in our DNA as codes to point where we come from.We are evolving, the authentic codes are deeply hidden but for those that have a hunger, passion and longing,they will find the doors.

What is a Metaphysical Coach?

Gain New Insight into Quantum Mechanics for Activation of Your DNA and Unlock Higher Systems of Reality.
As we move into the time of no time our reality around us as we perceive it is only a prison of our thoughts these thoughts emanate from a left logical brain program that has been running for a long time.The idea is to use this Age of Aquarius as the trigger to load new software it seems to be a un-tangible process and few understand how it operates and influences us.One way to get in touch with this powerful process is to seek out someone that may guide you in that direction.
Many claim to have activated more DNA connections but in my journey all roads lead to Rome but few get to Rome.
Being in synchronicity with the shift of the ages is coming from a deep sleep to a state of awakens and the knowing that if we change our thinking from a left brain male and logical to a right brain female un-logical process we get in touch with consciousness.
To shift consciousness is to make the leap of clearing old consciousness and conditioning to a state of grace and knowing.

The object of metaphysical service is to facilitate a spiritual growth and insight in Cosmic Laws for the “searcher” that he/she may expand their current reality and consciousness.Cosmic Laws are truths that work for or against us.These Cosmic Laws are the harmony and balance of the Universe,standing on a building you cannot deny the Law of Gravitation.A Metaphysical counselor should be familiar and fully grounded with Cosmic Laws and principles so that the client may become aware of the impact they have.As a Metaphysical and spiritual teachers I strive to connect the clients own Inner Light,and inner wisdom.For the metaphysician,they are the keys that unlock the door to possibilities in healing and counseling.
Most important a meta coach must walk the talk.

Metaphysics is the study of true perception; the knowing of what brought the universe into being and processes that the client’s uses to manifest life in a physical dimension; it is a personal awareness that creates one's reality.Reality is determined by the attitudes, thoughts, beliefs,values,opinions and feelings one connects in one's psyche. They are the cause of our fortune or misfortune.

Awareness and Paradigm Shift

The first challenge for a Meta counselor or coach is to align the client from separation,we all are conditioned to survive in this world,to be aligned will give you a glimpse of the true self.
We put paradigms in place to survive.A paradigm is a set of rules. An example is a destructive relationship,most people are only aware that something is not working in the relationship.

One way to explore this reality would be to ask the client what they are feeling, what emotions they experience towards a relationship. An emotion is the glue that holds the paradigm in place,a paradigm is also a reality that we create,and live by these rules; we use them as mechanisms to create everything in our reality.These are our beliefs and values that makes us what we are.

In a destructive relationship the most difficult part is to get to a place were we achieve “awareness”. What I mean is that the relationship takes two to tango; each one is in it for different reasons. When emotions of “frustration”, “depression” and “self hatred” sets in something must give,this is how we expand our consciousness or stay where we are. It is the Cosmic Law of evolvement and growth.Certain triggers will be triggered and each one in the relationship will experience it in a different way.Frustration can lead to anger and anger trigger rage and rage can lead to abuse.In turn the other one in the relationship may always accept this response,and beleive that they deserve it,although it is not socially exactable.

Sometimes we reach the point where we walk away and meet someone else we find the same personality,the same emotions but we feel worse.So we keep on attracting the same type of personality till we dicover how we attracted it in the first place.Working together we explore deeper to find the meganism that drive the actions and reactions.This can be seen as a defense mechanisms an area that are out of bounds to enter even for our selves.

We will defend that border at all cost. As soon as the ego gets involved a process of denial is constructed,visualize a computer programme that always uses the same algorithm and outcome. Another form of denial is blame; rather blame the other or something or somebody out there for the emotions that you feel.Now,all the above is setting yourself up in a paradigm that always follow the same ending,one reason is that the emotions are coded with a electromagnetic frequency and this is what effect us on a deep level.Let’s rather use them and re-invent them, achieving this leads to awareness and ultimately ... a Paradigm Shift !

Your social self

We all learn to put on a “social cloak” at a young age. As children, we may be ridiculed for something as silly as preferring Batman over Spiderman when Spiderman is more popular. We’d rather lie and say we prefer Spiderman than face the pain of ridicule.

Don’t laugh at this example. You may not remember the feeling now, but it was very real and very painful. If you have children of your own, please know that the pain they feel is very real.

As teens the pressure is even more intense. Not having the right hairstyle or clothes can make you unpopular.

Many teens get caught up in this pressure to fit in, which comes from the ego.

We think that as adults, we’re immune to this kind of pressure. Yet how many decisions do you make – or not make – based on how others will view you?

This is exactly what we do to survive we have to put on a social clock …a social self. But what we don’t do is to go back to find the real one. The price that you are paying is that you create your adult reality from a child’s perspective.Conditioning separates us from our tru self.

Let’s use what we got and re-invent !

Re-inventing emotions and awareness

Your emotions hold all the information of a particular programme that will kick in when you feel that particular emotion.What happens is that the emotion “frustration” have more that one connection and can be connected with “loneliness” or “abandonment” or “betrayal” or all in that order.

As we work together we discover how these connections are made,each person has a unique individual mechanisms that will trigger a particular emotion.One needs to see a big picture of how an emotion trigger a defense mechanisms and our need to take re-action.Finding answers we go deeper into more and more layers,it is like a breadcrumb trail that will lead to the missing piece of the puzzle.Emotions carry electromagnetic impulses that will make you react and emote.We charge and load the emotions almost always when we experience them for the first time.We hardley un-programme and upgrade.Remember Y2K bug ?

These impulses are real and they have been constructed a long time ago,we are a self intelligent system,our reality is created by these impulses.It's like unraveling a bol of string and certain events have created those codes at a very young age,most of your perceptions are formed before the age of 5 years.

I help you find the original energy that is locked up in old paradigms and you re-invent them.This is transformation and in fact alchemy.This process is called awareness which is powerful in that you realize,more connections is possible.

Visualize nero pathway connections that fire in parallel, you start to connect with your real self.In Sacred Geometry terms it can be visualized as a circle which is you’re sum total of your current reality.But you also learn to reconstruct another circle and they move towards each other to form one.The birth of new life! In Sacred Geometry the principle of the Vesica Pisces is the transformation of two to become one."The Cosmic Law of one".

It is a process of using what you always had by making new connections to extend your current consciousness to create a new reality.Changing your perception of the past is literally changing the past itself,together with your memory of it. You change your reality by new "awareness" from within.The more information you have the easier the problem solving.

If you don’t make these changes, you turn up in the future and the past mistakes will keep on sabotaging you.It is like casting a stone into the future,all you need is to turn up in the future and it hits you in the face.

Changing your perception of the past is literally changing the future ,together with your emotional memory of it. You change your reality by new awareness from within. If you don’t make these changes, you can turn up in the future and the past mistakes will keep on sabotaging you. It is like casting a stone into the future and all you need to do is turn up and it hits you in the face.

A Meta Life Coaching process that awakens this type of consciousness will change your perception of how you create your reality and the realization of how powerful the process is. It is hard work and very challenging but the rewards are so many. By living in the present as the beginning instead of letting the past be the beginning, the past can no longer hold you. Freedom is yours to live now.

Gain New Insight into Quantum Mechanics for Activation of Your DNA and Unlock Higher Systems of Reality !

Creating and manifest from the Law of attraction ?

We create from the Cosmic Law of attraction. In most people the Law of Attraction would trigger a filter through the ego, you can't upgrade to a new consciousness without the knowledge of ego.Your ego will attract that what you resist,and that what you don’t want,it is what will persist! A paradox, yet; the subconscious mind will influence the opposite of what you want.The ego!

This Cosmic Law means that like attracts like so positive will attract positive and negative will attract negative.The ego is the social self,the conditioned one,fear triggers the toxic rules and old defense mechanisms.

The thing is we create our reality all the time,what we get in the end depends on how we construct our current paradigm.By changing the way you perceive the past, you will also influence the future.This is the real "stuff" when you become aware ... you are your own teacher.You now have more outcomes,by changing your perception of the past you change your reality now.Starting with your emotions, re-inventing and achieving a new awareness that enlightens you.Enlightenment is not just for the Masters,it's your birthright.

Meta coaching is not about running the race and then up to the coach to help you over the line.

Metaphysical work is not easy,for the observed and the observer,lots of times there's no rewards and no breakthroughs.I walk with you and look at how you construct your reality; we test,look at paradigms, programming, defense mechanisms,triggers,events,ego and the social self to find in all of that the "authentic self".Ultimately to achieve a shift in consciousness.

Michael Talbot writes in his book ‘Mysticism and the new Physics’ about how consciousness can affect reality. Indian fakirs in Tamil have a fire-walking annual event. A psychologist attend the event as the ceremony finishes one of the fakirs come to the psychologist and suggest to him that he too could do the fire-walk as long as he holds his hand. The psychologist bravely takes the fakirs hand and managed to walk the fire! The phenomenon of fire-walking demonstrates that the Indian fakir have the ability to become the observer by perceiving the fire from a different conciseness and thereby changing the current reality. In quantum mechanics the observer can change a reality for example if you observe a wrist watch in its finest detail the light that you shine on the watch chances the watch (observed).

I also use Sacred Geometry to explain the Cosmic Laws of the universe,and how the universe is constructed. The universe in its smallest denomination are manifested by the Platonic Solids.

Sacred Geometry is a language of light and vibration a structure of geometrical shapes and colors.Learning to become the architects, the builders of our own reality by doing it consciously and not allowing old sub conscious robotic programming to create that reality for us.

It all begins by making the first step to re-enter a new beginning,by perceiving more of yourself with less conditioning.This leads to a feeling of integrating with your real self. A new beginning is your birthright, taking full responsibility for your thoughts, emotions and actions, and ultimately seeing the universe as a mirror reflection of what is! Working together we find and develop a strategy to change thinking and programming that holds you back.

Meta Coaching consists of one on one sessions of about 90 minutes.

You can be coached by phone VOIP or, if you live near Kromdraai, in Gauteng, South Africa, in person. In-person coaching is ideal, because my office is filled with my Sacred Geometry art. Being in my office will, by itself, raise your vibration, and this will enhance our coaching sessions.

I specialize in:

Current reality impact and re-invention

Self sabotaging re-programming

Ego construction re-programming

Sacred Geometry vibration frequency tools

Merkaba Meditation

Website Design & Manifesting with Sacred Geometry Logo's

Design of new Houses and Building using Sacred Geometry
Spiritual retreat workshops


Unknown said...

Thank you!
The image that you have under googl pictures conected to your site is beautiful- I love the color blue!

Anonymous said...

how about if you live in the US? I have many issues with self sabotage! Can we do things over the line?

sacred artist said...

Hi you could contact me by going to my website