Monday, April 11, 2011

My Metaphysical Life Coaching Website

I have just completed my website where you can learn more about metaphysical life coaching.
As a Metaphysical mentor I strive to connect the clients own Inner Light, and inner wisdom in the relationship making process. For the meta-physician, they are the keys that unlock the door to possibilities in healing and coaching. Most important a meta coach must walk the talk.

Metaphysics is the study of true perception; the knowing of what brought the universe into being and the processes and resources that one use to manifest life in a physical dimension; it is personal awareness that creates one's reality. Reality is determined by the attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, values, opinions, feelings and defense mechanisms one connects to in one's psyche.

I help you align yourself with your spiritual knowing and higher purpose to feel successful in life, understand the synchronicity and lessons to be learned. Spiritual coaching is about motivating clients to find their own hearts and discover their divine guidance.

The intent is to guide and to connect you with your higher self so you can become aware of your divine destiny.

I encourage you to visit my website here

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